import matplotlib
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import array
import hashlib
import math
import nibabel
import numpy
import os
from xml.dom.minidom import Document
import pylab
import string
import sys
import datetime
import Image
class ProcessingHistory:
def __init__(self, message='', parent=None, caller_info=None, css_class='prov-history', frame=0):
self._message = message
self._parent = parent
self._caller_info = caller_info
self._css_class = css_class
self._children = []
if caller_info is None:
self._caller_info = self.__caller_str(frame)
return None
def __caller_str(self,frame=0):
frame += 1
callee = sys._getframe(frame)
caller = sys._getframe(frame + 1)
caller = ("Function "+str(caller.f_code.co_name)
+"() at line "+str(caller.f_lineno)
+" in '"+str(caller.f_code.co_filename)
except ValueError, e:
caller = "Some undetermined function"
return (caller
+" called "+str(callee.f_code.co_name)
+"() at line "+str(callee.f_lineno)
+" in '"+str(callee.f_code.co_filename)+"'")
def get_message(self): return self._message
def get_caller_info(self): return self._caller_info
def add(self,history_or_message, caller_info=None, frame=0):
frame += 2
if isinstance(history_or_message, ProcessingHistory):
child = history_or_message
if caller_info is None:
self._caller_info = self.__caller_str(frame)
child = ProcessingHistory(history_or_message,self,caller_info)
# print "HISTORY: '%s' %s" %(child.get_message(), child.get_caller_info())
return child
def get_children(self): return self._children
def get_children_as_html(self):
if len(self.get_children()) == 0:
return ''
html = ''
html_start = '
' %(self._css_class)
html_end = '
for child in self.get_children():
html += child.as_html()
return html_start + html + html_end
def escape_xml(self,xml):
Returns the given XML/HTML with ampersands, quotes and carets encoded.
Paraphrased from
return xml.replace('&', '&').replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>').replace('"', '"').replace("'", ''')
def as_html(self):
if self._parent is None:
# Root node is a special case
if len(self.get_children()) == 0:
return 'Processing History%s: No History Available' %(
html_start = 'Processing History%s:' %(
html_end = '
html_message = '%s' %(
html_start = '%s' %(
html_end = ''
return html_start + self.get_children_as_html() + html_end
class NeuroImageFileBase:
_verbosity = 0
def set_verbosity(self,val):
_verbosity = val
return self
def get_verbosity(): return _verbosity
def get_output_dir(self):
if (self._output_dir is None):
return self.get_dirname()
return self._output_dir
def __init__(self,
can_be_in_img_tag = False,
suffix = '',
basename = '',
dirname = '',
extension = '',
output_dir = None
self._can_be_in_img_tag = can_be_in_img_tag
self._parent = parent
self._suffix = suffix
self._output_dir = output_dir
if basename is None:
if parent is None:
self._basename = 'UNKNOWN_BASENAME_ERROR'
self._basename = parent.get_basename()
self._basename = basename
if dirname is None:
if parent is None:
self._dirname = ''
self._dirname = parent.get_dirname()
self._dirname = dirname
self._extension = extension
self._needs_saving = True
self._saved_files = []
self._children = []
if parent is not None:
self._history = ProcessingHistory(parent=parent._history)
self._history = ProcessingHistory(parent=None)
if True:
parent_str = 'None'
parent_child_count = 0
if parent is not None:
parent_str = os.path.basename(parent.get_filename())
parent_child_count = len(parent.get_children())
# print "NeuroImageFileBase(parent='%s',title='%s') parent children: %s" %(parent_str,title,parent_child_count)
# print "NeuroImageFileBase.__init__: dirname='%s', basename='%s', suffix='%s'" %(self._dirname, self._basename , self._suffix)
self._css = '''
return None
def _set_attr_str(self,attr_name,attr_val):
attr_val = str(attr_val)
if attr_name not in self.__dict__ or self.__dict__[attr_name] != attr_val:
self.__dict__[attr_name] = attr_val
return self
def _set_attr_int(self,attr_name,attr_val):
attr_int = int(attr_val)
called_function = sys._getframe(2).f_code.co_name
calling_lineno = sys._getframe(3).f_lineno
calling_file = sys._getframe(3).f_filename
calling_function = sys._getframe(3).f_code.co_name
raise ValueError("%(attr_name)s must be a int (or castable to a int). %(calling_function)s"+
"called %(called_function)s() at line %(calling_lineno)d"
+" in '%(calling_file)s" %(locals()))
if attr_name not in self.__dict__ or self.__dict__[attr_name] != attr_int:
self.__dict__[attr_name] = attr_int
return self
def _set_attr_float(self,attr_name,attr_val):
attr_float = float(attr_val)
called_function = sys._getframe(2).f_code.co_name
calling_lineno = sys._getframe(3).f_lineno
calling_file = sys._getframe(3).f_filename
calling_function = sys._getframe(3).f_code.co_name
raise ValueError("%(attr_name)s must be a float (or castable to a float). %(calling_function)s"+
"called %(called_function)s() at line %(calling_lineno)d"
+" in '%(calling_file)s" %(locals()))
if attr_name not in self.__dict__ or self.__dict__[attr_name] != attr_float:
self.__dict__[attr_name] = attr_float
return self
def _set_attr(self,attr_name,attr_val,attr_type=None,none_ok=False):
if attr_name in self.__dict__:
if self.__dict__[attr_name] == attr_val:
return self
if attr_type is not None and not isinstance(attr_val,attr_type):
ok = none_ok and attr_type is None
if not ok:
called_function = sys._getframe(2).f_code.co_name
calling_lineno = sys._getframe(3).f_lineno
calling_file = sys._getframe(3).f_filename
calling_function = sys._getframe(3).f_code.co_name
raise ValueError("%(attr_name)s must be a %(attr_type). %(calling_function)s"+
"called %(called_function)s() at line %(calling_lineno)d"
+" in '%(calling_file)s" %(locals()))
self.__dict__[attr_name] = attr_val
return self
def __exept_isinstance(self,attr_val,attr_type,none_ok=False):
if not isinstance(attr_val,attr_type):
ok = none_ok and attr_type is None
if not ok:
called_function = sys._getframe(2).f_code.co_name
calling_lineno = sys._getframe(3).f_lineno
calling_file = sys._getframe(3).f_filename
calling_function = sys._getframe(3).f_code.co_name
raise ValueError("%(attr_name)s must be a %(attr_type). %(calling_function)s"+
"called %(called_function)s() at line %(calling_lineno)d"
+" in '%(calling_file)s" %(locals()))
return self
def split_filepath(self,filename):
(orig_dirname,basename) = os.path.split(filename)
dirname = os.path.abspath(orig_dirname)
if basename == '':
extension = ''
(basename,extension) = os.path.splitext(basename)
if extension == '.gz' or extension == '.bz2':
(basename,extension2) = os.path.splitext(basename)
extension = extension2 + extension
return dirname, basename, extension, orig_dirname
def set_parent(self,value): return self._set_attr('_parent',value,NeuroImageBase,none_ok=True)
def get_parent(self): return self._parent
def set_suffix(self,value): return self._set_attr_str('_suffix',value)
def get_suffix(self): return self._suffix
def set_dirname(self,value): return self._set_attr_str('_dirname',value)
def get_dirname(self): return self._dirname
def set_basename(self,value): return self._set_attr_str('_basename',value)
def get_basename(self): return self._basename
def set_extension(self,value): return self._set_attr_str('_extension',value,)
def get_extension(self): return self._extension
def set_needs_saving(self,value): return self._set_attr('_needs_saving',value,bool)
def get_needs_saving(self): return self._needs_saving
def get_history(self): return self._history
def add_child(self,child):
return self
def get_children(self): return self._children
def get_saved_files(self): return self._saved_files
def get_saved_files_as_ol(self):
# print "SAVED FILES: %s CHILDREN: %s for '%s'" %(len(self.get_saved_files()),self.get_filename())
for filename in self.get_saved_files():
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
ol += '- %s
' %(filename,filename)
for child in self.get_children():
ol += child.get_saved_files_as_ol()
return ol+'
def set_filename(self,filename):
dirname, basename, extension, orig_dirname = self.split_filepath(filename)
# print "filename = %s'" %(filename)
# print "dirname = '%s'" %(dirname)
# print "basename = '%s'" %(basename)
# print "extension = '%s'" %(extension)
# print "orig_dirname = '%s'" %(orig_dirname)
# print "self.get_dirname() = '%s'" %(self.get_dirname())
# print "self.get_basename() = '%s'" %(self.get_basename())
# print "self.get_extension() = '%s'" %(self.get_extension())
# print "self.get_filename() = %s'" %(self.get_filename())
return self
def get_filename(self):
return self.get_filename_root() + self._extension
def get_output_filename_root(self):
return os.path.join(self.get_output_dir(), self._basename + self._suffix)
def get_filename_root(self):
return os.path.join(self._dirname, self._basename + self._suffix)
def _capture_file_save(self,filename,what=None):
if what is not None:
self._history.add("Saved %s for '%s' to '%s'" %(
os.path.basename(filename) ,
self._history.add("Saved to '%s'" %(
print "[Saving] '%s'" %(filename)
#print " - #%3s from: '%s'" %(len(self.get_saved_files()),self.get_filename())
return self
def save_xml(self):
print "WARNING: save_xml() not implemented yet!!!!!"
return self
def save_html(self):
filename = self.get_output_filename_root() + "_history.html"
fh = open(filename,"w")
'''+ self.get_basename() +''': History Report
Processing History Report for '''+ self.get_basename() +'''
fh.write("Image Processing History
filename = os.path.basename(self.get_filename())
histogram = ''
if hasattr(self,'_histogram_filename') and self._histogram_filename is not None:
histogram = os.path.basename(self._histogram_filename)
histogram = '
' %(histogram,histogram)
if filename.endswith('.png') or filename.endswith('.svg'):
fh.write('Image File:
' %(
fh.write("Image File: %s
\n" %(
fh.write("Saved Files:
return self
class TwoDimNeuroImage(NeuroImageFileBase):
def __init__(self,
suffix = '',
basename = None,
dirname = None,
extension = '.png',
volume_idx = None,
max_width = None,
output_dir = None,
transparent = True,
if self.get_filename() == '':
self.set_filename(parent.get_output_filename_root() + '.png')
self._volume_idx = volume_idx
self._max_width = max_width
orig_data = self.get_parent().get_data()
self._raw_2d_data = orig_data
# Only allow 3D images, if it's 4D, and we were not told which volume
# index to take, take the middle one or middle one - 1
if volume_idx is None and len(orig_data.shape) == 4:
volume_idx = int(orig_data.shape[3] / 2)
if volume_idx is not None:
# For 4D images, take the specified volume
self._data = orig_data[:,:,:,volume_idx].copy()
# For 3D, take the whole thing.
self._data = orig_data.copy()
# Flip along x and y so that it is oriented correctly for the mosaic
self._data = self._data[::-1,::-1,:]
# Set image parameters
self._size_x = self._data.shape[0]
self._size_y = self._data.shape[1]
self._size_z = self._data.shape[2]
if self._max_width is not None:
self._slices_across = int(self._max_width / self._size_x)
self._slices_across = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(self._size_z)))
# print "Max width = %s, slice width = %s, slices across = %s, effective width = %s" %(
# self._max_width,
# self._size_x,
# self._slices_across,
# self._size_x * self._slices_across,
# )
self._slices_down = int(math.ceil(self._size_z * 1.0 / self._slices_across))
self._image_width = self._slices_across * self._size_x
self._image_height = self._slices_down * self._size_y
data_in_2d = numpy.zeros((self._image_width,self._image_height))
data_2d_alpha = numpy.zeros((self._image_width,self._image_height),dtype='uint8')
for z_idx in range(self._size_z):
# Calculate the offset for this image in this slice
x_offset = ((
self._slices_across - (z_idx % self._slices_across)) * self._size_x) - self._size_x
y_offset = int(z_idx / self._slices_across) * self._size_y
#print "Slice %02d x_offset = %s, y_offest = %s" %(z_idx+1, x_offset, y_offset)
for x_idx in range(self._size_x):
for y_idx in range(self._size_y):
data_in_2d[x_offset + x_idx, y_offset + y_idx] = self._data[x_idx, y_idx, z_idx]
data_2d_alpha[x_offset + x_idx, y_offset + y_idx] = 255
self._raw_2d_data = data_in_2d
self._array_mask = (data_2d_alpha == 0)
if self.get_transparent() is False:
data_2d_alpha[:,:] = 255
self._alpha = data_2d_alpha
return None
def _rebuild_masked_data(self):
self._masked_data = numpy.ma.array(self._data.copy(),mask=self._array_mask).flatten().compressed()
def _rebuild_files(self):
self._filename = None
self._histogram_plot = None
self._histogram_filename = None
self._html_history_filename = None
self._xml_history_filename = None
def reset(self):
# print "Reset image..."
self._filename = None
self._data = self._raw_2d_data.copy()
self._red = None
self._green = None
self._blue = None
self._above_range_data = None
self._below_range_data = None
self._range_min = None
self._range_max = None
self._range_stdev_min = None
self._range_stdev_max = None
self._range_stdevs = None
self._color_out_of_range = True
self._equalize = False
self._fill_histogram = False
self._ignore_zero_mins = False
self._history = ProcessingHistory()
return self
def set_parent(self,value): return self._set_attr('_parent',value,NeuroImage)
def get_history_as_html(self,history=None):
if history is None:
history = self.get_history()
def _shrink_range(self,what,range_min,range_max):
if ( self._range_min == range_min and
self._range_max == range_max ):
self._history.add("Note: Attempt to set %s to same current range (from '%s' to '%s') ignored."
return self
if ( self._range_min is not None and
self._range_min > range_min and
self._range_max is not None and
self._range_max < range_max ):
self._history.add("Note: Attempt to set %s to a larger range than current (from '%s' to '%s') ignored."
return self
self._range_min = range_min
self._range_max = range_max
data_min = self._masked_data.min()
data_max = self._masked_data.max()
if data_min >= range_min and data_max <= range_max:
"Note: Set %s, but data range was '%s' to '%s', so the data were not altered."
return self
hist = self._history.add("Set %s." %(what))
if data_min < range_min:
if self._below_range_data is None:
self._below_range_data = numpy.zeros(self._data.shape)
to_change = (self._data < range_min)
to_change_masked = (self._masked_data < range_min)
hist.add("Increased values of %d pixels to range minimum of '%s' (dat minimum was '%s')."
self._below_range_data[to_change] = range_min - self._data[to_change]
self._data[to_change] = range_min
self._masked_data[to_change_masked] = range_min
hist.add("No values below range minimum.")
if data_max > range_max:
if self._above_range_data is None:
self._above_range_data = numpy.zeros(self._data.shape)
to_change = self._data > range_max
to_change_masked = (self._masked_data > range_max)
hist.add("Decreased values of %d pixels to range maximum '%s' (data maximum was '%s')."
self._above_range_data[to_change] = self._data[to_change] - range_max
self._data[to_change] = range_max
self._masked_data[to_change_masked] = range_max
hist.add("No values above range maximum.")
return self
def set_range(self,range_min,range_max):
what = "data range from '%s' to '%s'" %(range_min,range_max)
return self._shrink_range(what,range_min,range_max)
def set_range_stdevs(self,range_stdevs):
data_mean = self._masked_data.mean()
data_stdev = self._masked_data.std()
range_stdev_min = data_mean - (range_stdevs * data_stdev)
range_stdev_max = data_mean + (range_stdevs * data_stdev)
what = "StDev range to +/-%s ('%s' to '%s')" %(range_stdevs,range_stdev_min,range_stdev_max)
return self._shrink_range(what,range_stdev_min,range_stdev_max)
def set_percentile_range(self,lower=None,upper=None):
if lower is None and upper is None:
raise Exception('At least one of lower or upper must be specified when calling set_percentile_range()')
tmp_data = numpy.sort(self._masked_data)
if lower is not None:
lower_idx = int(
(lower/100.0) * # change to 0.0 to 1.0 format
(tmp_data.size - 1) # multiply by potential indexes
+ 0.5 # round the number
percentile_range_min = tmp_data[lower_idx]
percentile_range_min = None
lower_idx = None
if upper is not None:
upper_idx = int(
(1 - (upper/100.0)) * # change to 0.0 to 1.0 format
(tmp_data.size - 1) # multiply by potential indexes
+ 0.5 # round the number
percentile_range_max = tmp_data[upper_idx]
percentile_range_max = None
upper_idx = None
# print "self._data.size='%s', tmp_data.size='%s'" %(self._data.size,tmp_data.size)
# print "lower='%s', percentile_range_min='%s' @ index='%s'" %(lower,percentile_range_min,lower_idx)
# print "upper='%s', percentile_range_max='%s' @ index='%s'" %(upper,percentile_range_max,upper_idx)
what = "Percentile range from '%s%%' to '%s%%' ('%s' to '%s')" %(lower,upper,percentile_range_min,percentile_range_max)
return self._shrink_range(what,percentile_range_min,percentile_range_max)
def _masked_histogram(self,data):
masked_data = numpy.ma.array(data,mask=self._array_mask).compressed()
return numpy.histogram(masked_data,bins=256)[0]
def save_histogram(self,transparent=True):
filename = self.get_output_filename_root() + "_histogram.svg"
if self._histogram_filename == filename:
return self
self._histogram_filename = filename
figure = self.get_histogram()
return self
def get_histogram(self,create=True):
if self._histogram_plot is not None or not create:
return self._histogram_plot
width, height = (self._data.shape[0], self._data.shape[1])
figure = Figure()
canvas = FigureCanvas(figure)
# Can't just use a numpy.histogram, as we don't want to count pixels with
# alpha = 0:
#hist = numpy.histogram(self._red,bins=256)[0]
#hist = self._alpha_uint8_histogram(self._red)
hist = self._masked_histogram(self._red)
title="Intensity Histogram"
# It seems that matplotlib.pyplot.autoscale is till not available on many
# systems.
ymax = hist.max()
axis = figure.add_subplot(111)
grayscale = numpy.array_equal(self._red, self._blue) and numpy.array_equal( self._red, self._green)
if not grayscale:
axis.plot(hist, linewidth=0.5, antialiased=True, color='red', label="Red")
#hist = numpy.histogram(self._green,bins=256)[0]
#hist = self._alpha_uint8_histogram(self._green, "Green")
hist = self._masked_histogram(self._green)
axis.plot(hist, linewidth=0.5, antialiased=True, color='green', label="Green")
tmp_max = hist.max()
if(tmp_max > ymax):
ymax = tmp_max
#hist = numpy.histogram(self._blue,bins=256)[0]
#hist = self._alpha_uint8_histogram(self._blue, "Blue")
hist = self._masked_histogram(self._blue)
axis.plot(hist, linewidth=0.5, antialiased=True, color='blue', label="Blue")
tmp_max = hist.max()
if(tmp_max > ymax):
ymax = tmp_max
title="RGB Intensity Histogram"
# print "xmin='%s',xmax='%s',ymin='%s',ymax='%s'" %(0,255,0,ymax)
# print "axis.dataLim.bounds=",axis.dataLim.bounds
# print "axis.get_xlim()=",axis.get_xlim()
# print "axis.get_ylim()=",axis.get_ylim()
axis.set_xlabel("Intensity (0-255)",fontsize=10)
axis.set_ylabel("Frequency (Pixel Count)",fontsize=10)
for spine in axis.spines.values():
for tick in axis.xaxis.get_major_ticks() + axis.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
self._histogram_plot = figure
return self._histogram_plot
def scale_to(self,data,scale_min,scale_max):
data = data.copy()
# Set min to scale_min
data = data - (data.min() - scale_min)
# Set max to 255
return data * (scale_max / data.max())
def get_rgba_array(self):
red = self.scale_to(self._data,0.0,255.0)
green = red.copy()
blue = red.copy()
alpha = self._alpha
if self._color_out_of_range:
hist = self._history.add("Will color values out of range.")
if self._above_range_data is not None or self._below_range_data is not None:
if self._above_range_data is not None:
indexes = (self._above_range_data > 0)
hist.add("Set '%s' pixels above range to red." %(int(indexes.sum())))
above = 1 - self.scale_to(self._above_range_data,0.0,1.0)
red[indexes] = 255
green[indexes] = green[indexes] * above[indexes]
blue[indexes] = blue[indexes] * above[indexes]
if self._below_range_data is not None:
indexes = (self._below_range_data > 0)
hist.add("Set '%s' pixels below range to red." %(int(indexes.sum())))
below = 1 - self.scale_to(self._below_range_data,0.0,1.0)
blue[indexes] = 255
green[indexes] = green[indexes] * below[indexes]
red[indexes] = red[indexes] * below[indexes]
hist.add("No values out of range, therefore none colored.")
rgba = numpy.empty((red.shape[0],red.shape[1],4), dtype='uint8')
for x_idx in range(red.shape[0]):
for y_idx in range(red.shape[1]):
rgba[x_idx,y_idx] = [red[x_idx,y_idx], green[x_idx,y_idx], blue[x_idx,y_idx], alpha[x_idx,y_idx]]
except ValueError:
self._red = red.astype('uint8')
self._blue = blue.astype('uint8')
self._green = green.astype('uint8')
self._history.add("Built RGBA image data.")
return rgba
def ignore_zero_mins(self,value=True):
if self._ignore_zero_mins == value:
self._history.add("Note: Ignoring request to maintain status-quo reguarding ignoring zero minima.")
return self
if not value:
self._history.add("Note: Will not ignore current zero minima.")
return self
data_min = self._masked_data.min()
if data_min != 0:
self._history.add("Note: Minimum value for data is not zero. Will not ignore.")
return self
next_min = self._masked_data[self._masked_data > 0].min()
if next_min == 1:
self._history.add("Note: Minimum value for data is zero, but next minimum is 1. Will not ignore.")
return self
to_change = (self._data < next_min)
to_change_masked = (self._masked_data < next_min)
self._history.add("Ignoring zero minima by setting %s pixels to next-lowest value '%s'."
self._data[to_change] = next_min
self._masked_data[to_change_masked] = next_min
return self
def color_out_of_range(self,bool_val=True):
self._history.add("Set color_out_of_range = '%s' (was '%s')" %(bool_val, self._color_out_of_range), frame=0)
self._color_out_of_range = bool_val
return self
def set_transparent(self,value=True):
self._history.add("Set transparent = '%s')" %(value))
return self
def get_transparent(self):
return self._transparent
# Adapted from:
# http://www.janeriksolem.net/2009/06/histogram-equalization-with-python-and.html
def equalize(self):
hist = self._history.add("Equalizing image histogram.")
if self._equalize:
hist.add("WARNING: Attempt to re-equalize data will likely only degrade image quality.")
self._equalize = True
# get image histogram
image_histogram, bins = numpy.histogram(self._data.flatten(),256,normed=True)
cdf = image_histogram.cumsum() #cumulative distribution function
cdf = 255.0 * cdf / cdf[-1] #normalize
# use linear interpolation of cdf to find new pixel values
interpolated_data = numpy.interp(self._data.flatten(),bins[:-1],cdf)
self._data = interpolated_data.reshape(self._data.shape)
self._cdf = cdf
return self
def fill_histogram(self):
hist = self._history.add("Filling histogram.")
if self._fill_histogram:
hist.add("WARNING: Attempt to re-fill histogram data will likely only degrade image quality.")
self._fill_histogram = True
tmp_data = numpy.sort(self._masked_data.flatten())
length = tmp_data.size
value_map = {}
if tmp_data.min() == 0:
leading_zeros = int((tmp_data == 0).sum())
value_map[0.0] = 0
leading_zeros = 0
non_zero_length = length - leading_zeros
bin_size = math.floor( (non_zero_length) / 255.0 )
intensity = 0
last_value = None
unique_value_count = 0
for idx in range(leading_zeros, length):
this_value = tmp_data[idx]
if (idx - leading_zeros) % bin_size == 0:
intensity += 1
if this_value == last_value:
unique_value_count += 1
last_value = this_value
value_map[last_value] = intensity
flat_data = self._data.flat
for idx in range(self._data.size):
flat_data[idx] = value_map[flat_data[idx]]
return self
def save(self):
filename = self.get_output_filename_root() + '.png'
# print "self.get_filename()='%s'" %(self.get_filename())
# print "self.get_output_filename_root()='%s'" %(self.get_output_filename_root())
if self.get_filename() != filename:
# print "self.get_filename()='%s'" %(self.get_filename())
# Rotate CCL 90 degrees so it's not sideways
img = Image.fromarray(self.get_rgba_array()).rotate(-90)
return self
def save_all(self,suffix=None):
if suffix is not None:
def set_max_width(self,max_width):
return self
def get_max_width(self): return self._max_width
def set_color_out_of_range(self,value):
return self._set_attr('_color_out_of_range',value,bool)
class NeuroImage(NeuroImageFileBase):
def __init__(self,
self._nimg = None
self._nimg_extension = None
self._raw_data = None
self._skip = skip
self._t = None
self._x = None
self._y = None
self._z = None
self._needs_saving = False
self._mosaic_image = None
if filename_or_nibabel_nifti is None:
raise ValueError("filename_or_nibabel_nifti may not be 'None'")
if isinstance(filename_or_nibabel_nifti,str):
# print "NeuroImage: self.set_filename('%s')" %(filename_or_nibabel_nifti)
elif isinstance(filename_or_nibabel_nifti,nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image):
raise ValueError("filename_or_nibabel_nifti must be a string filename or a nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image")
# print "NeuroImage: self.get_filename()='%s'" %(self.get_filename())
return None
def clear_mask(self):
self._array_masks = {}
self._derived_images = {}
self._mask_lower = None
self._mask_upper = None
self._mask_nans = True
self._mask_infs = True
self._masked_data = None
self._masked_derived_volumes = {}
self._slice_intensity_means = {}
self._unmasked_derived_volumes = {}
return self
def _set_mask_param(self,key,value):
# Only set if different.
if self._mask_params[key] != value:
print "Setting mask parameter '%s' to '%s'" %(key,value)
self._mask_params[key] = value
print "Not Setting mask parameter '%s' to '%s'" %(key,value)
# Do this regardless, just in case a derived image was generated
# before any mask was set.
for img_key in self._derived_images:
return self
def set_mask_lower(self,value): return self._set_attr_float('_mask_lower',value)
def get_mask_lower(self): return self._mask_lower
def set_mask_upper(self,value): return self._set_attr_float('_mask_upper',value)
def get_mask_upper(self): return self._mask_upper
def set_mask_nans(self,value): return self._set_attr('_mask_nans',value,bool)
def get_mask_nans(self): return self._mask_nans
def set_mask_infs(self,value): return self._set_attr('_mask_infs',value,bool)
def get_mask_infs(self): return self._mask_infs
def get_mosaic(self,
volume_idx = None,
suffix = '_thumbnail',
basename = None,
dirname = None,
max_width = None,
force_new = False,
output_dir = None,
transparent = True,
if self._mosaic_image is None or force_new:
self._mosaic_image = TwoDimNeuroImage(
return self._mosaic_image
def get_mean_image(self):
if 'mean' not in self._derived_images:
# print "[Calculate] Mean Volume for '%s'" %(self.get_filename())
print "[Calculate] Mean Volume"
if(1 == self._t):
print "WARNING: Calculating mean image of one volume, maybe you meant to use a 4D image in stead of a 3D one?"
mean_data = numpy.mean(self.get_data(),axis=3)
self.newDerivedImage("Mean Volume",'mean',mean_data,"_mean")
return self._derived_images['mean']
def get_mask_image(self):
if 'mask' not in self._derived_images:
return self._derived_images['mask']
def get_stdev_image(self):
if 'stdev' not in self._derived_images:
# print "[Calculate] StDev Volume for '%s'" %(self.get_filename())
print "[Calculate] StDev Volume"
if(1 == self._t):
print "WARNING: Calculating StDev image of one volume, maybe you meant to use a 4D image in stead of a 3D one?"
stdev_data = numpy.std(self.get_data(),axis=3,ddof=1)
self.newDerivedImage("StDev Volume",'stdev',stdev_data,"_stdev")
return self._derived_images['stdev']
def get_snr_image(self):
if 'snr' not in self._derived_images:
# print "[Calculate] SNR Volume for '%s'" %(self.get_filename())
print "[Calculate] SNR Volume"
if(1 == self._t):
print "WARNING: Calculating SNR image of one volume, maybe you meant to use a 4D image in stead of a 3D one?"
snr_data = self.get_mean_image().get_data() / self.get_stdev_image().get_data()
snr_data[numpy.isnan(snr_data)|numpy.isinf(snr_data)] = 0
self.newDerivedImage("SNR Volume",'snr',snr_data,"_snr")
return self._derived_images['snr']
def get_slope_image(self):
if 'slope' not in self._derived_images:
# print "[Calculate] Slope Volume for '%s'" %(self.get_filename())
print "[Calculate] Slope Volume"
from scipy import stats
if(1 == self._t):
print "WARNING: Calculating Slope image of one volume, maybe you meant to use a 4D image in stead of a 3D one?"
raw_data = self.get_data()
shape = raw_data.shape
slope_data = numpy.zeros([shape[0],shape[1],shape[2]])
x_array = range(shape[3])
for x_idx in range(shape[0]):
for y_idx in range(shape[1]):
for z_idx in range(shape[2]):
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x_array,raw_data[x_idx,y_idx,z_idx,:])
slope_data[x_idx,y_idx,z_idx] = slope
self.newDerivedImage("Slope Volume",'slope',slope_data,"_slope")
return self._derived_images['slope']
def generate_masks(self, key = '3d', extended_name = False):
# Only generate / regenerate masks if needed
if '3d' not in self._array_masks:
# print "[Calculate] Mask Volume for '%s'" %(self.get_filename())
print "[Calculate] Mask Volume"
# Get the raw data.
raw_data = self.get_data()
is_4d = len(raw_data.shape) > 3
# For 4D volumes (note larger dims may or may not work for some methods)
# use the mean 3D volume
if is_4d:
mean_image = self.get_mean_image()
raw_data = mean_image.get_data()
hist = self._history.add("Generating Mask Volume for %s" % self.get_filename())
numpy_3d_mask = numpy.zeros(raw_data.shape, dtype=bool)
calculated_extension = "_mask"
extension = "_mask"
total_mask_count = 0;
self._mask_total_count = 0
self._mask_lower_count = 0
print "+------------------+---------+------------+----------+------------+------------+"
print "| Mask Variable | Value | Num Voxels | % Voxels | Cumulative | Cumulative |"
print "| | | Masked | Masked | Vox Maskd | % Masked |"
print "+------------------+---------+------------+----------+------------+------------+"
format = "| %-16s | %7s | %10s | %8s | %10s | %10s |"
if self.get_mask_lower() is not None:
to_mask = (raw_data <= self.get_mask_lower())
self._mask_lower_count = int(to_mask.sum())
self._mask_total_count += self._mask_lower_count
numpy_3d_mask = numpy_3d_mask | to_mask
hist.add("Masked %d of %d voxels below %s" %(to_mask.sum(),raw_data.size,self.get_mask_lower()))
calculated_extension += "_min_%0.3f" % self.get_mask_lower()
print format %(
'Lower Threshold',
"%0.4f%%" %(100.0*self._mask_lower_count/raw_data.size),
"%0.4f%%" %(100.0*self._mask_total_count/raw_data.size)
self._mask_upper_count = 0
if self.get_mask_upper() is not None:
to_mask = (raw_data > self.get_mask_upper())
self._mask_upper_count = int(to_mask.sum())
self._mask_total_count += self._mask_upper_count
numpy_3d_mask = numpy_3d_mask | to_mask
hist.add("Masked %d of %d voxels above %s" %(to_mask.sum(),raw_data.size,self.get_mask_upper()))
calculated_extension += "_max_%0.3f" % self.get_mask_upper()
print format %(
'Upper Threshold',
"%0.4f%%" %(100.0*self._mask_upper_count/raw_data.size),
"%0.4f%%" %(100.0*self._mask_total_count/raw_data.size)
self._mask_nan_count = 0
if self.get_mask_nans():
to_mask = (numpy.isnan(raw_data))
self._mask_nan_count = to_mask.sum()
self._mask_total_count += self._mask_nan_count
numpy_3d_mask[to_mask] = True
hist.add("Masked %d of %d voxels with NaN values" %(to_mask.sum(),raw_data.size))
calculated_extension += "_nan"
print format %(
'Mask NaNs',
"%0.4f%%" %(100.0*self._mask_nan_count/raw_data.size),
"%0.4f%%" %(100.0*self._mask_total_count/raw_data.size)
if self.get_mask_infs():
to_mask = (numpy.isinf(raw_data))
self._mask_inf_count = to_mask.sum()
self._mask_total_count += self._mask_inf_count
numpy_3d_mask[to_mask] = True
hist.add("Masked %d of %d voxels with Inf values" %(to_mask.sum(),raw_data.size))
calculated_extension += "_inf"
print format %(
'Mask Infs',
"%0.4f%%" %(100.0*self._mask_inf_count/raw_data.size),
"%0.4f%%" %(100.0*self._mask_total_count/raw_data.size)
print "+------------------+---------+------------+----------+------------+------------+"
if extended_name:
extension = calculated_extension
# NumPy array masks are the complement of what is normally used in neuroimaging.
# In other words, in neuroimaging, 1 means "keep this value" and 0 means "mask it"
# since you can multiply an image by its mask to get only values of interest which
# are non-zero (risky if "0" is a valid un-masked value). In NumPy arrays, "1" is
# "True" meaning mask this value, and "0" is "False" meaning don't, which is the
# opposite, so when we save the neuroimage mask, it should be the complement of
# the NumPy array mask and vice-versa
mask_count = int(numpy_3d_mask.sum())
# print " - Masked voxels: %10s of %10s (%10s%%)" %(mask_count,raw_data.size,"%0.6f"%(100.0*mask_count/raw_data.size))
neuro_3d_mask = ~numpy_3d_mask
self.newDerivedImage("Volume Mask",'mask',neuro_3d_mask,extension, dtype='uint8')
self.newDerivedImage("Volume Numpy Masked Array Mask", '3d_mask',numpy_3d_mask,extension + "_numpy_3d_array", dtype='uint8')
# If this is a 4D + image, generate the 4D mask as well.
if is_4d:
numpy_4d_mask = numpy.zeros(self.get_data().shape, dtype=bool)
numpy_4d_mask[numpy_3d_mask] = 1
self.newDerivedImage("4D Numpy Masked Array Mask",'4d_mask',numpy_4d_mask,extension + "_numpy_4d_array", dtype='uint8')
self._array_masks['4d'] = numpy_4d_mask
self._masked_data = numpy.ma.masked_array(self.get_data(),mask=numpy_4d_mask)
self._masked_data = numpy.ma.masked_array(self.get_data(),mask=neuro_3d_mask)
self._array_masks['3d'] = neuro_3d_mask
return self._array_masks[key]
def newDerivedImage(self,title,key,data,add_to_filename,dtype=None):
filename = self.get_output_filename_root() + add_to_filename + self.get_extension()
description = title+" derived from '"+str(self.get_filename())+"'"
self._history.add("Calculated %s" % description)
header = self.get_image().get_header().copy()
nim = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data, numpy.eye(4), header)
if dtype is not None:
new_img = NeuroImage(
new_img._parent = self
self._derived_images[key] = new_img
return new_img
def get_nifti_filename_root(self,filename):
nimg_extension = '.nii'
# Get the filename extension
(basename,extension) = os.path.splitext(filename)
extension = string.lower(extension)
if(".gz" == extension):
# If the first extension is ".gz", then try and get the next
# extension
(basename,extension) = os.path.splitext(basename)
extension = string.lower(extension)
# Regardless of what the next extensions is, we assume the
# user wants compressed NiFTI-1 files unless otherwise
# previously specified
if self.get_extension() is None:
nimg_extension = '.nii.gz'
if(".nii" == extension):
# If the next extension is .nii, all is good, basename is
# the root
filename_root = basename
extension = '.nii.gz'
# Otherwise, this is not a normal NiFTI-1 file. Keep the
# whole filename as the root.
filename_root = filename
# Regardless of what the first extensions is, we assume the
# user wants uncompressed NiFTI-1 files unless otherwise
# previously specified
if self.get_extension() is None:
nimg_extension = '.nii'
if(".nii" == extension):
# If the first extension is .nii, all is good, basename is
# the root
filename_root = basename
# Otherwise, this is not a normal NiFTI-1 file. Keep the
# whole filename as the root.
filename_root = filename
if filename == filename_root:
print ("WARNING: '%s' does not follow NiFTI-1 naming convensions. Output names may be unpredictable."
return filename_root, extension, nimg_extension
def set_image(self,nimg):
previous = self._nimg
self._x = nimg.shape[0]
self._y = nimg.shape[1]
self._z = nimg.shape[2]
if len(nimg.shape) > 3:
self._t = nimg.shape[3]
self._t = 1
if(len(nimg.shape) > 4):
self._nimg = None
raise ValueError("ERROR: Cannot operate on NiFTI-1 images with more than 4 dimensions.")
self._nimg = nimg
return previous
def get_image(self):
if self._nimg is None:
if self.get_filename() == '':
raise Exception('ERROR: Cannot get Nifti1Image object without filename')
if self._skip:
self._raw_data = self._nimg.get_data()[:,:,:,self._skip:]
self._raw_data = self._nimg.get_data()
return self._nimg
def get_number_of_slices(self):
if self._nimg is None:
raise Exception("ERROR: Cannot get number of slices in '%s'" %(self.get_filename()))
return self._z
def get_number_of_volumes(self):
if self._nimg is None:
raise Exception("ERROR: Cannot get number of volumes in '%s'" %(self.get_filename()))
return self._t
def get_data(self):
if self._raw_data is None:
if self._nimg is None:
self._raw_data = self._nimg.get_data()
return self._raw_data
def get_masked_data(self):
if self._masked_data is None:
return self._masked_data
def print_image_summary(self):
slice_size = self._x * self._y
volume_size = self._x * self._y * self._z
number_of_slices = self._z
number_of_frames = self._t * self._u * self._v * self._w
middle_frame = int(number_of_frames / 2)
"X: %4s, Y: %4s, Z: %4s, T: %4s, U: %4s, V: %4s, W: %4s"
% (self._x, self._y, self._z, self._t, self._u, self._v, self._w)
print "Sice Size ( %4s x %4s ): %10s voxels" % (self._x, self._y, slice_size)
print "Number of Sices: %10s" % (number_of_slices)
print "Number of Frames (Time Points) %10s" % (number_of_frames)
print "Filename: %s" % (self.get_filename())
return self
def save(self,nim=None):
if nim is None:
nim = self.get_image()
return self
def _png_data_stats(self,data):
print " - PNG data stats: min=%s,max=%s,mean=%s,stdev=%s" %(
data.std() )
def _print_diff_line(self,preface,title,value_a,value_b,value_diff,value_percent_diff):
print "%s %-20s %10s %10s %10s %10s" % (preface,title,value_a,value_b,value_diff,value_percent_diff)
def _print_diff(self, title, value_a, value_b):
if value_a == value_b:
preface = " "
value_diff = ""
value_percent_diff = ""
preface = ">"
value_diff = value_a - value_b
value_percent_diff = value_diff / value_a
if value_a < value_b:
value_percent_diff = value_diff / value_b
value_percent_diff = "%0.4f%%" % (100.0 * value_percent_diff)
def diff_data(self, data_a, data_b):
# Get the difference between values
data_diff = data_a - data_b
# Get the absolute difference of the values
abs_diff = numpy.ones(data_diff.shape,dtype='int8')
abs_diff[data_diff < 0] = -1
abs_diff = data_diff * abs_diff
# Count the number of points that are different
diff_count = numpy.zeroes(data_diff.shape,dtype='int8')
diff_count[data_diff != 0] = 1
diff_count = diff_count.sum()
def _slice_report_row_(self,row):
return ( "%-10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s" % row )
def _slice_report_row(self,slice_idx,voxel_count,mean,stdev,snr,min,max,outliers):
if isinstance(slice_idx, str):
slice_idx = "%03d" % (slice_idx+1)
return self._slice_report_row_((slice_idx,
def _slice_report_header(self,title,desc,data,extended=False):
header = ""
if extended:
header += "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
header += title + "\n"
header += "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
header += desc + "\n"
header += "DATA Dimensions: %s\n" %(data.shape)
header += "Min: %s, Max: %s, Mean %s, StDev %s\n" %(data.min(),data.max(),data.mean(),data.std())
header += "\n"
self._print_slice_report_row_(("Slice","Num Voxels","Mean","StDev","SNR","Min","Max","Outliers"))
def get_mean_slice_intensities(self,apply_mask=False,lower_threshold_to_zero=None):
key = "%s:%s" %(apply_mask,lower_threshold_to_zero)
if key in self._slice_intensity_means:
return self._slice_intensity_means[key]
if apply_mask:
data = self.get_masked_data().copy()
mask = numpy.ma.getmask(data)
data = self.get_data().copy()
if lower_threshold_to_zero is not None:
data[data <= lower_threshold_to_zero] = 0
dim_x = data.shape[0]
dim_y = data.shape[1]
dim_z = data.shape[2]
dim_t = data.shape[3]
slice_intensity_means = numpy.zeros( (dim_z,dim_t) )
slice_voxel_counts = numpy.zeros( (dim_z), dtype='uint32' )
slice_size = dim_x * dim_y
if apply_mask:
for slice_idx in range(dim_z):
slice_voxel_counts[slice_idx] = slice_size - mask[:,:,slice_idx,0].sum()
for slice_idx in range(dim_z):
slice_voxel_counts[slice_idx] = slice_size
for volume_idx in range(dim_t):
for slice_idx in range(dim_z):
slice_data = data[:,:,slice_idx,volume_idx]
slice_intensity_means[slice_idx,volume_idx] = slice_data.mean()
self._slice_intensity_means[key] = [slice_intensity_means,slice_voxel_counts,data]
return self._slice_intensity_means[key]
def _entropy(self,data,bins=4096):
min_val = data.min()
max_val = data.max()
val_range = max_val - min_val
if val_range < bins:
bins = val_range
return (p_vals * numpy.log2(p_vals)).sum()
def get_unmasked_entropy(self):
if '_unmasked_entropy' not in self:
self._unmasked_entropy = self._entropy(self.get_data())
return self._unmasked_entropy
def get_masked_entropy(self):
if '_masked_entropy' not in self:
self._masked_entropy = self._entropy(self.get_masked_data())
return self._masked_entropy
def get_stackcheck_mean_slice_text(self,apply_mask=True,lower_threshold_to_zero=None):
(slice_intensity_means, slice_voxel_counts, data) = self.get_mean_slice_intensities(apply_mask,lower_threshold_to_zero)
text = ""
for slice_idx in range(slice_intensity_means.shape[0]):
text += "%d\t" %(slice_idx + 1)
for volume_idx in range(slice_intensity_means.shape[1]):
if(volume_idx > 0):
text += "\t"
text += "%4.2f" %(slice_intensity_means[slice_idx][volume_idx])
text += "\n"
return text
def save_stackcheck_mean_slice_text(self,filename=None,apply_mask=True,lower_threshold_to_zero=None):
if filename is None:
filename = self.get_output_filename_root() + "_mean_slice.txt"
text = self.get_stackcheck_mean_slice_text(apply_mask,lower_threshold_to_zero)
self._capture_file_save(filename,'mean slice data text file')
fh = open(filename,"w")
return self
def get_stackcheck_mean_slice_csv(self,apply_mask=True,lower_threshold_to_zero=None):
(slice_intensity_means, slice_voxel_counts, data) = self.get_mean_slice_intensities(apply_mask,lower_threshold_to_zero)
csv = ""
for slice_idx in range(slice_intensity_means.shape[0]):
csv += "%d," %(slice_idx + 1)
for volume_idx in range(slice_intensity_means.shape[1]):
if(volume_idx > 0):
csv += ","
csv += "%s" %(slice_intensity_means[slice_idx][volume_idx])
csv += "\n"
return csv
def save_stackcheck_mean_slice_csv(self,filename=None,apply_mask=True,lower_threshold_to_zero=None):
if filename is None:
filename = self.get_output_filename_root() + "_mean_slice.csv"
csv = self.get_stackcheck_mean_slice_csv(apply_mask,lower_threshold_to_zero)
self._capture_file_save(filename,'mean slice data CSV file')
fh = open(filename,"w")
return self
def save_stackcheck_mean_slice_plot(self,
if filename is None:
filename = self.get_output_filename_root() + "_mean_slice." + format
(slice_intensity_means, slice_voxel_counts, data) = self.get_mean_slice_intensities(apply_mask,lower_threshold_to_zero)
self._capture_file_save(filename,'mean slice intensity plot')
## --- customize plot
figure = Figure()
canvas = FigureCanvas(figure)
axis = figure.add_subplot(111)
axis.set_title("Mean Slice Intensity",fontsize=12)
axis.plot(numpy.rot90(slice_intensity_means[:,1:]-1), antialiased=True, linewidth=0.5)
axis.set_xlabel("Volumes / Time Points (N)",fontsize=10)
axis.set_ylabel("Signal Intensity",fontsize=10)
axis.set_xlim(0,slice_intensity_means.shape[1] - 1)
## --- get min and max, ignoring NaNs
if autoscale:
if slice_intensity_means_max > 1000:
ax_max = slice_intensity_means_max
ax_max = 1000
if slice_intensity_means_min < 100:
ax_min = slice_intensity_means_min
ax_min = 100
for spine in axis.spines.values():
for tick in axis.xaxis.get_major_ticks() + axis.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
return self
def get_stackcheck_report_text(self,apply_mask=True,lower_threshold_to_zero=None,extended=False):
my_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
(full_root,foo,bar) = self.get_nifti_filename_root(os.path.abspath(self.get_filename()))
my_name = os.path.basename(my_path)
my_checksum = hashlib.sha256(file(my_path).read()).hexdigest()
(slice_intensity_means, slice_voxel_counts, data) = self.get_mean_slice_intensities(apply_mask,lower_threshold_to_zero)
dim_x = data.shape[0]
dim_y = data.shape[1]
dim_z = data.shape[2]
dim_t = data.shape[3]
orig_t = dim_t + self._skip
report = "%s (checksum: '%s')\n" % (my_name, my_checksum)
report += "Input %s root: \"%s\"\n" %(self.get_extension(),full_root)
report += "z = %s, x = %s, y = %s images per slice = %s\n" % (dim_z, dim_x, dim_y, orig_t)
report += "\n"
report += "Timepoints = %s skip = %s count = %s\n" %(orig_t,self._skip,dim_t)
report += "\n"
report += "Threshold value for mask: %0.2f\n" %(self.get_mask_lower())
report += "\n"
if extended:
report += "DATA Dimensions: %s\n" %(str(data.shape))
report += "General Statistics:\n"
data_min = data.min()
data_max = data.max()
data_mean = data.mean()
data_stdev = data.std()
data_snr = data_mean / data_stdev
report += " Raw Data: Min: %8s, Max: %8s, Mean %8s, StDev %8s, SNR %8s\n" %(
"%0.2f" % data_min,
"%0.2f" % data_max,
"%0.2f" % data_mean,
"%0.2f" % data_stdev,
"%0.2f" % data_snr,
masked_data = numpy.ma.array(self.get_data().copy(),mask=self._array_masks['4d']).flatten().compressed()
# masked_data = self.get_masked_data()
data_min = masked_data.min()
data_max = masked_data.max()
data_mean = masked_data.mean()
data_stdev = masked_data.std()
data_snr = data_mean / data_stdev
report += " Masked Data: Min: %8s, Max: %8s, Mean %8s, StDev %8s, SNR %8s\n" %(
"%0.2f" % numpy.ma.min(masked_data),
"%0.2f" % data_max,
"%0.2f" % data_mean,
"%0.2f" % data_stdev,
"%0.2f" % data_snr,
report += "\n"
vol_size = data.shape[0] * data.shape[1] * data.shape[2]
img_size = vol_size * data.shape[3]
unmasked_4d = int(self._array_masks['4d'].sum())
unmasked_3d = int(self._array_masks['3d'].sum())
report += "Number of Voxels Masked:\n"
report += " Whole 4D Volume: %10s / %10s (%8s)\n" %(
img_size - unmasked_4d,
"%0.3f%%" %(100.0*(img_size - unmasked_4d)/img_size),
report += " Per 3D Volume: %10s / %10s (%8s)\n\n" %(
vol_size - unmasked_3d,
"%0.3f%%" %(100.0*(vol_size - unmasked_3d)/vol_size),
report_data_format = "%8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s\n"
report += report_data_format %('Slice','Voxels','Mean','StDev','SNR','Min','Max','Outliers')
report_data_format = "%s %s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n"
report += "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" %('slice','voxels','mean','stdev','snr','min','max','#out')
slice_count = slice_intensity_means.shape[0]
volume_count = slice_intensity_means.shape[1]
slice_weighted_mean_mean = 0
slice_weighted_stdev_mean = 0
slice_weighted_snr_mean = 0
slice_weighted_max_mean = 0
slice_weighted_min_mean = 0
outlier_count = 0
total_voxel_count = 0
for slice_idx in range(slice_count):
slice_data = slice_intensity_means[slice_idx]
slice_voxel_count = slice_voxel_counts[slice_idx]
slice_mean = slice_data.mean()
slice_stdev = slice_data.std(ddof=1)
slice_snr = slice_mean / slice_stdev
slice_min = slice_data.min()
slice_max = slice_data.max()
if numpy.isnan(slice_mean) or numpy.isinf(slice_mean):
if numpy.isnan(slice_stdev) or numpy.isinf(slice_stdev):
if numpy.isnan(slice_snr) or numpy.isinf(slice_snr):
if numpy.isnan(slice_min) or numpy.isinf(slice_min):
if numpy.isnan(slice_max) or numpy.isinf(slice_max):
slice_outliers = numpy.zeros(slice_data.shape,dtype='int8')
slice_outliers[slice_data < (slice_mean - (slice_stdev * 2.5))] = 1
slice_outliers[slice_data > (slice_mean + (slice_stdev * 2.5))] = 1
slice_outliers = slice_outliers.sum()
slice_weighted_mean_mean += (slice_mean * slice_voxel_count)
slice_weighted_stdev_mean += (slice_stdev * slice_voxel_count)
slice_weighted_snr_mean += (slice_snr * slice_voxel_count)
slice_weighted_min_mean += (slice_min * slice_voxel_count)
slice_weighted_max_mean += (slice_max * slice_voxel_count)
outlier_count += slice_outliers
total_voxel_count += slice_voxel_count
report += report_data_format %(
"%03d" %(slice_idx + 1),
"%d" % slice_voxel_count,
"%0.2f" % slice_mean,
"%0.2f" % slice_stdev,
"%0.2f" % slice_snr,
"%0.2f" % slice_min,
"%0.2f" % slice_max,
report += "\n"
if extended:
report += report_data_format %(
"%0.2f" %(slice_weighted_mean_mean / total_voxel_count),
"%0.2f" %(slice_weighted_stdev_mean / total_voxel_count),
"%0.2f" %(slice_weighted_snr_mean / total_voxel_count),
"%0.2f" %(slice_weighted_min_mean / total_voxel_count),
"%0.2f" %(slice_weighted_max_mean / total_voxel_count),
"%s/%s" %(outlier_count,slice_count * volume_count)
report += "VOXEL\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" %(
"%4.2f" %(slice_weighted_mean_mean / total_voxel_count),
"%4.2f" %(slice_weighted_stdev_mean / total_voxel_count),
"%4.2f" %(slice_weighted_snr_mean / total_voxel_count),
"%4.2f" %(slice_weighted_min_mean / total_voxel_count),
"%4.2f" %(slice_weighted_max_mean / total_voxel_count),
"%s/%s" %(outlier_count,slice_count * volume_count)
return report
def save_stackcheck_report_text(self,filename=None,apply_mask=True,lower_threshold_to_zero=None,extended=False):
if filename is None:
filename = self.get_output_filename_root() + "_slice_report.txt"
report_text = self.get_stackcheck_report_text(apply_mask,lower_threshold_to_zero,extended)
self._capture_file_save(filename,'mean slice report text')
fh = open(filename,"w")
return self
def get_stackcheck_report_html(self,apply_mask=True,lower_threshold_to_zero=None,extended=False):
my_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
(full_root,foo,bar) = self.get_nifti_filename_root(os.path.abspath(self.get_filename()))
my_name = os.path.basename(my_path)
my_checksum = hashlib.sha256(file(my_path).read()).hexdigest()
(slice_intensity_means, slice_voxel_counts, data) = self.get_mean_slice_intensities(apply_mask,lower_threshold_to_zero)
dim_x = data.shape[0]
dim_y = data.shape[1]
dim_z = data.shape[2]
dim_t = data.shape[3]
orig_t = dim_t + self._skip
unmasked_data = self.get_data().copy()
unmasked_mean = unmasked_data.mean()
unmasked_stdev = unmasked_data.std()
masked_data = self.get_masked_data().copy()
masked_mean = masked_data.mean()
masked_stdev = masked_data.std()
mask = (~ (numpy.ma.getmask(masked_data)) )
mdim_x = int(mask[:,0,0,0].sum())
mdim_y = int(mask[0,:,0,0].sum())
mdim_z = int(mask[0,0,:,0].sum())
mdim_t = int(mask[0,0,0,:].sum())
slice_count = slice_intensity_means.shape[0]
volume_count = slice_intensity_means.shape[1]
slice_voxel_sum = 0
for slice_idx in range(slice_count):
slice_voxel_sum += slice_voxel_counts[slice_idx]
mean_voxels_per_slice = slice_voxel_sum / float(slice_count)
tot_v = int(mask.sum())
report = '''
'''+ self.get_basename() +''': Mean Slice Report
Mean Slice Report for '''+ self.get_basename() +'''
Generated by | '''+ my_name +''' |
Program SHA256 Checksum | '''+ my_checksum +''' |
Generated On | '''+ datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() +''' |
Input File | '''+ self.get_filename() +''' |
Number of Time Points (aka Volumes) |
Mask Threshold & Parameters |
Original |
Skipped |
Included |
Minimum |
Maximum |
NaNs |
Infs |
'''+ str(orig_t) +''' |
'''+ str(self._skip) +''' |
'''+ str(dim_t) +''' |
'''+ str(self.get_mask_lower()) +''' |
'''+ str(self.get_mask_upper()) +''' |
'''+ str(self.get_mask_nans()) +''' |
'''+ str(self.get_mask_infs()) +''' |
Data Set |
X |
Y |
Z |
T |
Slice Size |
Total Slices |
Total Voxels |
Mean Voxel Value |
StDev |
Unmasked Image |
'''+ str(dim_x) +''' |
'''+ str(dim_y) +''' |
'''+ str(dim_z) +''' |
'''+ str(dim_t) +''' |
'''+ str(dim_x * dim_y) +''' |
'''+ str(dim_z * dim_t) +''' |
'''+ str(dim_x * dim_y * dim_z * dim_t) +''' |
'''+ "%0.4f" % (unmasked_mean)+''' |
'''+ "%0.4f" % (unmasked_stdev)+''' |
'''+ "%0.4f" % (unmasked_mean / unmasked_stdev)+''' |
Masked Image |
N/A |
N/A |
'''+ str(dim_z) +''' |
'''+ str(dim_t) +''' |
'''+ "%0.4f" % (mean_voxels_per_slice) +''' |
'''+ str(dim_z * dim_t) +''' |
'''+ str(tot_v) +''' |
'''+ "%0.4f" % (masked_mean)+''' |
'''+ "%0.4f" % (masked_stdev)+''' |
'''+ "%0.4f" % (masked_mean / masked_stdev)+''' |
Slice Number |
Voxel Count |
For each Slice's Mean Slice Intensity Series: |
Mean |
StDev |
Min |
Max |
Outliers |
slice_weighted_mean_mean = 0
slice_weighted_stdev_mean = 0
slice_weighted_snr_mean = 0
slice_weighted_max_mean = 0
slice_weighted_min_mean = 0
outlier_count = 0
total_voxel_count = 0
for slice_idx in range(slice_count):
slice_data = slice_intensity_means[slice_idx]
slice_voxel_count = slice_voxel_counts[slice_idx]
slice_mean = slice_data.mean()
slice_stdev = slice_data.std(ddof=1)
slice_snr = slice_mean / slice_stdev
slice_min = slice_data.min()
slice_max = slice_data.max()
slice_outliers = numpy.zeros(slice_data.shape,dtype='int8')
slice_outliers[slice_data < (slice_mean - (slice_stdev * 2.5))] = 1
slice_outliers[slice_data > (slice_mean + (slice_stdev * 2.5))] = 1
slice_outliers = slice_outliers.sum()
slice_weighted_mean_mean += (slice_mean * slice_voxel_count)
slice_weighted_stdev_mean += (slice_stdev * slice_voxel_count)
slice_weighted_snr_mean += (slice_snr * slice_voxel_count)
slice_weighted_min_mean += (slice_min * slice_voxel_count)
slice_weighted_max_mean += (slice_max * slice_voxel_count)
outlier_count += slice_outliers
total_voxel_count += slice_voxel_count
report += '''
%03d |
%-d |
%4.2f |
%4.2f |
%4.2f |
%4.2f |
%4.2f |
%d |
''' %(
slice_idx + 1,
report += '''
Voxels per Volume |
Summary: Weighted Means |
Total Outliers Total Slices |
Mean |
StDev |
Min |
Max |
report += '''
%d |
%4.2f |
%4.2f |
%4.2f |
%4.2f |
%4.2f |
%d / %d |
''' %(
slice_weighted_mean_mean / total_voxel_count,
slice_weighted_stdev_mean / total_voxel_count,
slice_weighted_snr_mean / total_voxel_count,
slice_weighted_min_mean / total_voxel_count,
slice_weighted_max_mean / total_voxel_count,
slice_count * volume_count
report += '''
return report
def save_stackcheck_report_html(self,filename=None,apply_mask=True,lower_threshold_to_zero=None,extended=False):
if filename is None:
filename = self.get_output_filename_root() + "_slice_report.html"
report_html = self.get_stackcheck_report_html(apply_mask,lower_threshold_to_zero,extended)
self._capture_file_save(filename,'mean slice report html')
fh = open(filename,"w")
return self
def run(filename):
global args
print "================================================================================"
print "QA/QC on '%s'" %(filename)
transparent = (not args.png_no_transparent)
fni = NeuroImage(filename,skip=args.skip,output_dir=args.output_dir);
if args.mask_upper is not None:
if args.thumbnail_save:
if args.mean_save_nii:
if args.mean_save_png or args.mean_save_histogram:
png = fni.get_mean_image().get_mosaic(transparent=transparent,max_width=args.mean_png_max_width)
if args.mean_png_suffix is not None:
if args.mean_png_color_out_of_range is not None:
if args.mean_png_lower_percentile is not None or args.mean_png_upper_percentile is not None:
if args.mean_png_stdev_range is not None:
if args.mean_save_png:
if args.mean_save_histogram:
if args.mean_save_html:
if args.mean_save_xml:
if args.report_save_html:
if args.report_save_txt:
if args.mean_slice_save_csv:
if args.mean_slice_save_plot:
if args.mean_slice_save_txt:
if args.mask_save_nii:
if args.mask_save_png or args.mask_save_histogram:
png = fni.get_mask_image().get_mosaic(transparent=transparent,max_width=args.mask_png_max_width)
if args.mask_png_suffix is not None:
if args.mask_png_color_out_of_range is not None:
if args.mask_png_lower_percentile is not None or args.mask_png_upper_percentile is not None:
if args.mask_png_stdev_range is not None:
if args.mask_save_png:
if args.mask_save_histogram:
if args.mask_save_html:
if args.mask_save_xml:
if args.stdev_save_nii:
if args.stdev_save_png or args.stdev_save_histogram:
png = fni.get_stdev_image().get_mosaic(transparent=transparent,max_width=args.stdev_png_max_width)
if args.stdev_png_suffix is not None:
if args.stdev_png_color_out_of_range is not None:
if args.stdev_png_lower_percentile is not None or args.stdev_png_upper_percentile is not None:
if args.stdev_png_stdev_range is not None:
if args.stdev_save_png:
if args.stdev_save_histogram:
if args.stdev_save_html:
if args.stdev_save_xml:
if args.snr_save_nii:
if args.snr_save_png or args.snr_save_histogram:
png = fni.get_snr_image().get_mosaic(transparent=transparent,max_width=args.snr_png_max_width)
if args.snr_png_suffix is not None:
if args.snr_png_color_out_of_range is not None:
if args.snr_png_lower_percentile is not None or args.snr_png_upper_percentile is not None:
if args.snr_png_stdev_range is not None:
if args.snr_save_png:
if args.snr_save_histogram:
if args.snr_save_html:
if args.snr_save_xml:
if args.slope_save_nii:
if args.slope_save_png or args.slope_save_histogram:
png = fni.get_slope_image().get_mosaic(transparent=transparent,max_width=args.slope_png_max_width)
if args.slope_png_suffix is not None:
if args.slope_png_color_out_of_range is not None:
if args.slope_png_lower_percentile is not None or args.slope_png_upper_percentile is not None:
if args.slope_png_stdev_range is not None:
if args.slope_save_png:
if args.slope_save_histogram:
if args.slope_save_html:
if args.slope_save_xml:
print "================================================================================"
def main():
import sys, os, argparse
global args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="NiFTI-1 File Quality Assurance")
parser.add_argument("--all", "--everything", dest='save_all', action="store_true", default=False, help="Do everything.")
parser.add_argument("--debug", "-d", dest='debug', action="store_true", default=False, help="Turn on debugging output")
parser.add_argument("--mask-all", dest='mask_save_all', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save all mask image files.")
parser.add_argument("--mask-histogram", dest='mask_save_histogram', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save mask image histogram file.")
parser.add_argument("--mask-html", dest='mask_save_html', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save mask image HTML file which includes processing history information. Will also generate the mask png and the mask histogram files.")
parser.add_argument("--mask-nii", "-mask", dest='mask_save_nii', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save mask image nii file.")
parser.add_argument("--mask-png", dest='mask_save_png', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save mask image png file.")
parser.add_argument("--mask-png-color-out-of-range", dest='mask_png_color_out_of_range', action="store_true", default=None, help="Use the red channel to display values that were truncated above the range and the blue channel to display values that were truncated as being below the range. If unset, uses the value of --png-color-out-of-range.")
parser.add_argument("--mask-png-ignore-zero-minima", dest='mask_png_ignore_zero_minima', action="store_true", default=False, help="In special cases where the image has a minimum of 0 which is an outlier that provides little information (e.g., stdev images), ignore them when creating the PNG histogram. This makes the PNG more informative")
parser.add_argument("--mask-png-lower-percentile", dest='mask_png_lower_percentile', type=float, default=None, help="Everything below the specified percentile from the minimum value in intensity ( 100 - percentile from the maximum value) is ignored when generating the PNG image. If --mask-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-lower-percentile is used.")
parser.add_argument("--mask-png-max-width", dest='mask_png_max_width', type=int, default=None, help="Maximum width of PNG file for the mask image. If unset, uses the value of --png-max-width.")
parser.add_argument("--mask-png-stdev-range", dest='mask_png_stdev_range', type=float, default=None, help="Only include values within plus or minus these many standard deviations from the mask when creating the PNG file. If --mask-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-stdev-range is used.")
parser.add_argument("--mask-png-suffix", dest='mask_png_suffix', type=str, default=None, help="Append the specified suffix to ethe end of the file prior to the .png extension.")
parser.add_argument("--mask-png-upper-percentile", dest='mask_png_upper_percentile', type=float, default=None, help="Everything above the specified percentile from the maximum value in intensity ( 100 - percentile from the minimum value) is ignored when generating the PNG image. If --mask-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-upper-percentile is used.")
parser.add_argument("--mask-threshold", "--mask-lower", dest='mask_lower', type=float, default=150.0, help="The lower threshold to use for generating the image mask and/or masking the data. Anything below this threshold will be masked out. (Default: 150.0)")
parser.add_argument("--mask-upper", dest='mask_upper', type=float, default=None, help="The upper threshold to use for generating the image mask and/or masking the data. Anything above this threshold will be masked out. (Default: None)")
parser.add_argument("--mask-xml", dest='mask_save_xml', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save mask image information XML file.")
parser.add_argument("--mean-all", dest='mean_save_all', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save all mean image files.")
parser.add_argument("--mean-histogram", dest='mean_save_histogram', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save mean image histogram file.")
parser.add_argument("--mean-html", dest='mean_save_html', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save mean image HTML file which includes processing history information. Will also generate the mean png and the mean histogram files.")
parser.add_argument("--mean-nii", "-mean", dest='mean_save_nii', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save mean image nii file.")
parser.add_argument("--mean-png", dest='mean_save_png', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save mean image png file.")
parser.add_argument("--mean-png-color-out-of-range", dest='mean_png_color_out_of_range', action="store_true", default=None, help="Use the red channel to display values that were truncated above the range and the blue channel to display values that were truncated as being below the range. If unset, uses the value of --png-color-out-of-range.")
parser.add_argument("--png-ignore-zero-minima", dest='png_ignore_zero_minima', action="store_true", default=False, help="In special cases where the image has a minimum of 0 which is an outlier that provides little information (e.g., stdev images), ignore them when creating the PNG histogram. This makes the PNG more informative")
parser.add_argument("--mean-png-ignore-zero-minima", dest='mean_png_ignore_zero_minima', action="store_true", default=False, help="In special cases where the image has a minimum of 0 which is an outlier that provides little information (e.g., stdev images), ignore them when creating the PNG histogram. This makes the PNG more informative")
parser.add_argument("--mean-png-lower-percentile", dest='mean_png_lower_percentile', type=float, default=None, help="Everything below the specified percentile from the minimum value in intensity ( 100 - percentile from the maximum value) is ignored when generating the PNG image. If --mean-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-lower-percentile is used.")
parser.add_argument("--mean-png-max-width", dest='mean_png_max_width', type=int, default=None, help="Maximum width of PNG file for the mean image. If unset, uses the value of --png-max-width.")
parser.add_argument("--mean-png-stdev-range", dest='mean_png_stdev_range', type=float, default=None, help="Only include values within plus or minus these many standard deviations from the mean when creating the PNG file. If --mean-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-stdev-range is used.")
parser.add_argument("--mean-png-suffix", dest='mean_png_suffix', type=str, default=None, help="Append the specified suffix to ethe end of the file prior to the .png extension.")
parser.add_argument("--mean-png-upper-percentile", dest='mean_png_upper_percentile', type=float, default=None, help="Everything above the specified percentile from the maximum value in intensity ( 100 - percentile from the minimum value) is ignored when generating the PNG image. If --mean-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-upper-percentile is used.")
parser.add_argument("--mean-slice-csv", dest='mean_slice_save_csv', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save the mean slice intensity data as a cama separated values (CSV) file good for use in spreadsheets with the first column being the slice number, and subsequent columns being the mean slice intensity for those slices at each time point (aka in each volume).")
parser.add_argument("--mean-slice-plot", dest='mean_slice_save_plot', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save the mean slice intensity plot as an image (default format:SVG) for inclusion in publications, web pages, T-shirts.")
parser.add_argument("--mean-slice-plot-format", dest='mean_slice_plot_format', required=False, default='svg', help="Specify the file format for the mean slice intensity plot. Valid values are: 'png', 'svg'. Note; PNG recommended for XNAT uploads; SVG for publications and other websites.")
parser.add_argument("--mean-slice-plot-autoscale", dest='mean_slice_plot_autoscale', action="store_true", required=False, default=True, help="Autoscale the plot (Default).")
parser.add_argument("--mean-slice-plot-no-autoscale", dest='mean_slice_plot_autoscale', action="store_false", required=False, default=True, help="Do not autscale.")
parser.add_argument("--mean-slice-txt", "-plot", dest='mean_slice_save_txt', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save the mean slice intensity data as a whitespace delimited text file with the first column being the slice number, and subsequent columns being the mean slice intensity for those slices at each time point (aka in each volume).")
parser.add_argument("--mean-xml", dest='mean_save_xml', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save mean image information XML file.")
parser.add_argument("--mimic-slicer", dest='mimic_slicer', action="store_true", default=False, help="When creating PNG snapshots, mimic FSL \"slicer\" behavior when creating mosaic/montage images by truncating data to above and below the top and bottom 2nd percentile respectively.")
parser.add_argument("--no-lpi", dest='no_lpi', action="store_true", default=False, help="Do not enforce LPI dimensions on input file")
parser.add_argument("--no-swapdim", dest='no_swap_dim', action="store_true", default=False, help="Do not try and change NEUROLOGICAL imaged to RADIOLOGICAL")
parser.add_argument("--output-dir", "-o", dest='output_dir', required=False, default=None, help="Where to put the generated files if not in the same directory as the input file")
parser.add_argument("--png-color-out-of-range", "--png-color", dest='png_color_out_of_range', action="store_true", default=False, help="When creating PNG files, use the red channel to display values that were truncated above the range and the blue channel to display values that were truncated as being below the range.")
parser.add_argument("--png-no-transparency", dest='png_no_transparent', action="store_true", default=False, help="When creating PNG files, do NOT use transparency to show that no slices are present (i.e., \"empty\" blocks in the mosaic will be filled with black). This also affects plots which will normally not have a background color set.")
parser.add_argument("--png-lower-percentile", dest='png_lower_percentile', type=float, default=None, help="Everything below the specified percentile from the minimum value in intensity ( 100 - percentile from the maximum value) is ignored when generating the PNG image. If --png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray.")
parser.add_argument("--png-max-width", dest='png_max_width', type=int, default=None, help="Maximum width of PNG file for a PNG image.")
parser.add_argument("--png-stdev-range", dest='png_stdev_range', type=float, default=None, help="Only include values within plus or minus these many standard deviations from the mean when creating the PNG file. If --mean-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If --png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray.")
parser.add_argument("--png-upper-percentile", dest='png_upper_percentile', type=float, default=None, help="Everything above the specified percentile from the maximum value in intensity ( 100 - percentile from the minimum value) is ignored when generating the PNG image. If --png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray.")
parser.add_argument("--report-html", dest='report_save_html', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save the mean slice intensity summary _report.html file which contains the same information as the stackcheck compatible text version but with tool-tips explaining the data and a nicer looking UI.")
parser.add_argument("--report-txt", "-report", dest='report_save_txt', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save the mean slice intensity summary _report.txt file which is stackcheck compatible.")
parser.add_argument("--extended-report", dest='extended_report', action="store_true", default=False, help="Include additional information in the report file(s).")
parser.add_argument("--skip", dest='skip', type=int, default=0, help="Number of volumes to skip")
parser.add_argument("--slope-all", dest='slope_save_all', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save all slope volume (each voxel in volume is the slope for the linear regression of the voxel values) files.")
parser.add_argument("--slope-histogram", dest='slope_save_histogram', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save slope volume (each voxel in volume is the slope for the linear regression of the voxel values) histogram file.")
parser.add_argument("--slope-html", dest='slope_save_html', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save slope image HTML file which includes processing history information. Will also generate the slope png and the slope histogram files.")
parser.add_argument("--slope-nii", "-slope", dest='slope_save_nii', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save slope volume (each voxel in volume is the slope for the linear regression of the voxel values) nii file.")
parser.add_argument("--slope-png", dest='slope_save_png', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save slope volume (each voxel in volume is the slope for the linear regression of the voxel values) png file.")
parser.add_argument("--slope-png-color-out-of-range", dest='slope_png_color_out_of_range', action="store_true", default=None, help="Use the red channel to display values that were truncated above the range and the blue channel to display values that were truncated as being below the range. If unset, uses the value of --png-color-out-of-range.")
parser.add_argument("--slope-png-ignore-zero-minima", dest='slope_png_ignore_zero_minima', action="store_true", default=False, help="In special cases where the image has a minimum of 0 which is an outlier that provides little information (e.g., stdev images), ignore them when creating the PNG histogram. This makes the PNG more informative")
parser.add_argument("--slope-png-lower-percentile", dest='slope_png_lower_percentile', type=float, default=None, help="Everything below the specified percentile from the minimum value in intensity ( 100 - percentile from the maximum value) is ignored when generating the PNG image. If --slope-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-lower-percentile is used.")
parser.add_argument("--slope-png-max-width", dest='slope_png_max_width', type=int, default=None, help="Maximum width of PNG file for the slope image. If unset, uses the value of --png-max-width.")
parser.add_argument("--slope-png-stdev-range", dest='slope_png_stdev_range', type=float, default=None, help="Only include values within plus or minus these many standard deviations from the slope when creating the PNG file. If --slope-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-stdev-range is used.")
parser.add_argument("--slope-png-suffix", dest='slope_png_suffix', type=str, default=None, help="Append the specified suffix to ethe end of the file prior to the .png extension.")
parser.add_argument("--slope-png-upper-percentile", dest='slope_png_upper_percentile', type=float, default=None, help="Everything above the specified percentile from the maximum value in intensity ( 100 - percentile from the minimum value) is ignored when generating the PNG image. If --slope-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-upper-percentile is used.")
parser.add_argument("--slope-xml", dest='slope_save_xml', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save slope image information XML file.")
parser.add_argument("--snr-all", dest='snr_save_all', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save all SNR (mean/stdev) volume files.")
parser.add_argument("--snr-histogram", dest='snr_save_histogram', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save SNR (mean/stdev) volume histogram file.")
parser.add_argument("--snr-html", dest='snr_save_html', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save SNR image HTML file which includes processing history information. Will also generate the SNR png and the SNR histogram files.")
parser.add_argument("--snr-nii", "-snr", dest='snr_save_nii', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save SNR (mean/stdev) volume nii file.")
parser.add_argument("--snr-png", dest='snr_save_png', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save SNR (mean/stdev) volume png file.")
parser.add_argument("--snr-png-color-out-of-range", dest='snr_png_color_out_of_range', action="store_true", default=None, help="Use the red channel to display values that were truncated above the range and the blue channel to display values that were truncated as being below the range. If unset, uses the value of --png-color-out-of-range.")
parser.add_argument("--snr-png-ignore-zero-minima", dest='snr_png_ignore_zero_minima', action="store_true", default=False, help="In special cases where the image has a minimum of 0 which is an outlier that provides little information (e.g., stdev images), ignore them when creating the PNG histogram. This makes the PNG more informative")
parser.add_argument("--snr-png-lower-percentile", dest='snr_png_lower_percentile', type=float, default=None, help="Everything below the specified percentile from the minimum value in intensity ( 100 - percentile from the maximum value) is ignored when generating the PNG image. If --snr-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-lower-percentile is used.")
parser.add_argument("--snr-png-max-width", dest='snr_png_max_width', type=int, default=None, help="Maximum width of PNG file for the snr image. If unset, uses the value of --png-max-width.")
parser.add_argument("--snr-png-stdev-range", dest='snr_png_stdev_range', type=float, default=None, help="Only include values within plus or minus these many standard deviations from the snr when creating the PNG file. If --snr-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-stdev-range is used.")
parser.add_argument("--snr-png-suffix", dest='snr_png_suffix', type=str, default=None, help="Append the specified suffix to ethe end of the file prior to the .png extension.")
parser.add_argument("--snr-png-upper-percentile", dest='snr_png_upper_percentile', type=float, default=None, help="Everything above the specified percentile from the maximum value in intensity ( 100 - percentile from the minimum value) is ignored when generating the PNG image. If --snr-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-upper-percentile is used.")
parser.add_argument("--snr-xml", dest='snr_save_xml', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save SNR image information XML file.")
parser.add_argument("--stdev-all", dest='stdev_save_all', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save all standard deviation volume files.")
parser.add_argument("--stdev-histogram", dest='stdev_save_histogram', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save standard deviation volume histogram file.")
parser.add_argument("--stdev-html", dest='stdev_save_html', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save standard deviation image HTML file which includes processing history information. Will also generate the stdev png and the stdev histogram files.")
parser.add_argument("--stdev-nii", "-stdev", dest='stdev_save_nii', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save standard deviation volume nii file.")
parser.add_argument("--stdev-png", dest='stdev_save_png', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save standard deviation volume png file.")
parser.add_argument("--stdev-png-color-out-of-range", dest='stdev_png_color_out_of_range', action="store_true", default=None, help="Use the red channel to display values that were truncated above the range and the blue channel to display values that were truncated as being below the range. If unset, uses the value of --png-color-out-of-range.")
parser.add_argument("--stdev-png-no-ignore-zero-minima", dest='stdev_png_ignore_zero_minima', action="store_true", default=False, help="In special cases where the image has a minimum of 0 which is an outlier that provides little information do NOT ignore it (unlike the default for other images) This makes the PNG histogram more like the data histogram, but at the cost of potentially severely reduced histogram range.")
parser.add_argument("--stdev-png-lower-percentile", dest='stdev_png_lower_percentile', type=float, default=None, help="Everything below the specified percentile from the minimum value in intensity ( 100 - percentile from the maximum value) is ignored when generating the PNG image. If --stdev-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-lower-percentile is used.")
parser.add_argument("--stdev-png-max-width", dest='stdev_png_max_width', type=int, default=None, help="Maximum width of PNG file for the stdev image. If unset, uses the value of --png-max-width.")
parser.add_argument("--stdev-png-stdev-range", dest='stdev_png_stdev_range', type=float, default=None, help="Only include values within plus or minus these many standard deviations from the stdev when creating the PNG file. If --stdev-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-stdev-range is used.")
parser.add_argument("--stdev-png-suffix", dest='stdev_png_suffix', type=str, default=None, help="Append the specified suffix to ethe end of the file prior to the .png extension.")
parser.add_argument("--stdev-png-upper-percentile", dest='stdev_png_upper_percentile', type=float, default=None, help="Everything above the specified percentile from the maximum value in intensity ( 100 - percentile from the minimum value) is ignored when generating the PNG image. If --stdev-png-color-out-of-range is specified, values outside of this range are included but in a different color channel and will appear non-gray. If not specified, --png-upper-percentile is used.")
parser.add_argument("--stdev-xml", dest='stdev_save_xml', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save standard deviation image information XML file.")
parser.add_argument("--thumbnail", "--thumb", dest='thumbnail_save', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save a PNG thumbnail of the middle volume.")
parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", dest='verbosity', action="count", default=0, help="Increase the verbosity of messages")
parser.add_argument("--extended-bold-qc", "-xbc", dest='extended_bold_qc', action="store_true", default=False, help="Set defaults for ExtendedBOLDQC")
parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.extended_bold_qc:
args.mask_save_nii = True
args.mask_save_png = True
args.mean_save_nii = True
args.mean_save_png = True
args.slope_save_nii = True
args.slope_save_png = True
args.snr_save_nii = True
args.snr_save_png = True
args.stdev_save_nii = True
args.stdev_save_png = True
args.mimic_slicer = True
args.png_max_width = 600
args.png_ignore_zero_minima = True
args.png_no_transparent = True
args.report_save_html = True
args.report_save_txt = True
args.report_save_xml = True
args.mean_slice_save_csv = True
args.mean_slice_save_plot = True
args.mean_slice_save_txt = True
args.mean_slice_plot_format = 'png'
if args.save_all:
args.thumbnail_save = True
args.mask_save_all = True
args.mean_save_all = True
args.slope_save_all = True
args.snr_save_all = True
args.stdev_save_all = True
args.report_save_html = True
args.report_save_txt = True
args.mean_slice_save_csv = True
args.mean_slice_save_plot = True
args.mean_slice_save_txt = True
if args.mask_save_all:
args.mask_save_histogram = True
args.mask_save_html = True
args.mask_save_nii = True
args.mask_save_png = True
args.mask_save_xml = True
if args.mean_save_all:
args.mean_save_histogram = True
args.mean_save_html = True
args.mean_save_nii = True
args.mean_save_png = True
args.mean_save_xml = True
if args.slope_save_all:
args.slope_save_histogram = True
args.slope_save_html = True
args.slope_save_nii = True
args.slope_save_png = True
args.slope_save_xml = True
if args.snr_save_all:
args.snr_save_histogram = True
args.snr_save_html = True
args.snr_save_nii = True
args.snr_save_png = True
args.snr_save_xml = True
if args.stdev_save_all:
args.stdev_save_histogram = True
args.stdev_save_html = True
args.stdev_save_nii = True
args.stdev_save_png = True
args.stdev_save_xml = True
if args.png_lower_percentile:
args.mask_png_lower_percentile = args.png_lower_percentile
args.mean_png_lower_percentile = args.png_lower_percentile
args.slope_png_lower_percentile = args.png_lower_percentile
args.snr_png_lower_percentile = args.png_lower_percentile
args.stdev_png_lower_percentile = args.png_lower_percentile
if args.png_upper_percentile:
args.mask_png_upper_percentile = args.png_upper_percentile
args.mean_png_upper_percentile = args.png_upper_percentile
args.slope_png_upper_percentile = args.png_upper_percentile
args.snr_png_upper_percentile = args.png_upper_percentile
args.stdev_png_upper_percentile = args.png_upper_percentile
if args.mimic_slicer:
if args.png_lower_percentile is None:
args.png_lower_percentile = 2
if args.png_upper_percentile is None:
args.png_upper_percentile = 2
if args.mask_png_lower_percentile is None:
args.mask_png_lower_percentile = args.png_lower_percentile
if args.mean_png_lower_percentile is None:
args.mean_png_lower_percentile = args.png_lower_percentile
if args.slope_png_lower_percentile is None:
args.slope_png_lower_percentile = args.png_lower_percentile
if args.snr_png_lower_percentile is None:
args.snr_png_lower_percentile = args.png_lower_percentile
if args.stdev_png_lower_percentile is None:
args.stdev_png_lower_percentile = args.png_lower_percentile
if args.mask_png_upper_percentile is None:
args.mask_png_upper_percentile = args.png_upper_percentile
if args.mean_png_upper_percentile is None:
args.mean_png_upper_percentile = args.png_upper_percentile
if args.slope_png_upper_percentile is None:
args.slope_png_upper_percentile = args.png_upper_percentile
if args.snr_png_upper_percentile is None:
args.snr_png_upper_percentile = args.png_upper_percentile
if args.stdev_png_upper_percentile is None:
args.stdev_png_upper_percentile = args.png_upper_percentile
if args.png_color_out_of_range is not None:
if args.mask_png_color_out_of_range is None:
args.mask_png_color_out_of_range = args.png_color_out_of_range
if args.mean_png_color_out_of_range is None:
args.mean_png_color_out_of_range = args.png_color_out_of_range
if args.slope_png_color_out_of_range is None:
args.slope_png_color_out_of_range = args.png_color_out_of_range
if args.snr_png_color_out_of_range is None:
args.snr_png_color_out_of_range = args.png_color_out_of_range
if args.stdev_png_color_out_of_range is None:
args.stdev_png_color_out_of_range = args.png_color_out_of_range
if args.png_max_width is not None:
if args.mask_png_max_width is None:
args.mask_png_max_width = args.png_max_width
if args.mean_png_max_width is None:
args.mean_png_max_width = args.png_max_width
if args.slope_png_max_width is None:
args.slope_png_max_width = args.png_max_width
if args.snr_png_max_width is None:
args.snr_png_max_width = args.png_max_width
if args.stdev_png_max_width is None:
args.stdev_png_max_width = args.png_max_width
if args.png_stdev_range is not None:
if args.mask_png_stdev_range is None:
args.mask_png_stdev_range = args.png_stdev_range
if args.mean_png_stdev_range is None:
args.mean_png_stdev_range = args.png_stdev_range
if args.slope_png_stdev_range is None:
args.slope_png_stdev_range = args.png_stdev_range
if args.snr_png_stdev_range is None:
args.snr_png_stdev_range = args.png_stdev_range
if args.stdev_png_stdev_range is None:
args.stdev_png_stdev_range = args.png_stdev_range
if args.png_ignore_zero_minima is not None:
if args.mask_png_ignore_zero_minima is None:
args.mask_png_ignore_zero_minima = args.png_ignore_zero_minima
if args.mean_png_ignore_zero_minima is None:
args.mean_png_ignore_zero_minima = args.png_ignore_zero_minima
if args.slope_png_ignore_zero_minima is None:
args.slope_png_ignore_zero_minima = args.png_ignore_zero_minima
if args.snr_png_ignore_zero_minima is None:
args.snr_png_ignore_zero_minima = args.png_ignore_zero_minima
if args.stdev_png_ignore_zero_minima is None:
args.stdev_png_ignore_zero_minima = args.png_ignore_zero_minima
if len(args.files) < 1:
print "Usage: %s file_1 [file_2 [...]]" %(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
for filename in args.files:
if __name__ == "__main__":